Lab for language research and didactics

In Collaboration with

University of Poitiers, France, Freiderikos Valetopoulos
Laboratoire de didactique des langues, Rinetta Kiyitsioglou-Vlachou
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Lab for language research and didactics Athina Sioupi
University of Cyprus, Efi Lamprou


Freiderikos Valetopoulos (University of Poitiers - FoReLL)
Rinetta Kiyitsioglou-Vlachou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Athina Sioupi (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Efi Lamprou (University of Cyprus)
Julie Rançon (University of Poitiers- FoReLL)
Marie-Hélène Lay (University of Poitiers - FoReLL)
Thanasis Georgakopoulos (Excellence Cluster TOPOI, Berlin)
Nikos Katsaounis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Judith Schiebel (University of Erfurt, DAAD-fellowship)
Julia Rubin (University of Macedonia/Thessaloniki) (Experiment-Assistent)

International conference "Expressing emotions in corpora"
25, 26, 27 September 2014
University of Poitiers

For further information  please see (in German)

For further information  please see (in Greek)

Lab for language research and didactics
School of German Language & Literature
Office 102, New Building of the Faculty of Philosophy, P.O. BOX 82
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124, Thessaloniki

Director: Prof. Αθηνά Σιούπη
email:, tel. 2310 997559