Lab for language research and didactics

Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Eleni Butulusi
The group's research work and interdisciplinary collaborations concern the analysis of (linguistic) communication and social relations. The ability to analyze, interpret and understand communicative and social relationships, as well as the ability to intervene with the aim to improve them, is a necessary resource to cope with the difficulties of cooperation and understanding that one faces during his/her activity in any social (professional, friendly, family, etc.) space.

The abovementioned aims can only be achieved through interdisciplinary studies of communication and social relations. The sciences considered to be necessary to collaborate depend on the specific goals and on the communicative and social contexts to be studied.

Support group for teachers

The group initially focuses on the analysis, understanding and improvement of communication and social relations in the school and has as its central aim to function as a support group for teachers of German as a foreign language. In these contexts, it is based on linguistics, psychology, pedagogy and didactics.

Lab for language research and didactics
School of German Language & Literature
Office 102, New Building of the Faculty of Philosophy, P.O. BOX 82
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124, Thessaloniki

Director: Prof. Αθηνά Σιούπη
email:, tel. 2310 997559