Lab for language research and didactics

See here: 7th Panellenic Congress of the Hellenic Academy of Neuroimmunology

This year's award from the 7th Panhellenic Congress of the Hellenic Academy of Neuroimmunology goes to Panagiotis Grigoriadis, Iro Georgia Malta, Panos Ermeidis, Stavroula Pouliaki & Athina Sioupi  for the  e-poster  'Smoldering' MS lesions: A corpus-based study on Multiple Sclerosis. DeMiNeS congratulates our students for their success.

Lab for language research and didactics
School of German Language & Literature
Office 102, New Building of the Faculty of Philosophy, P.O. BOX 82
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 54124, Thessaloniki

Director: Prof. Αθηνά Σιούπη
email:, tel. 2310 997559